Facebook promotion for business

Once upon a time, social networks were considered just entertainment, a way to make new friends and chat. Those times are gone. Now, along with the usual entertainment features, social networks offer a set of tools for advertising goods, services, and a personal blog.

Take the well-known Facebook. The social network has 2.5 billion monthly active users! Why not confirm that among such an audience there are many who want to buy a product, read your book or order a service?

But no one will come to you at the call of the heart. First you need to create and promote a Facebook group or business page. This will be your platform where users can come, get acquainted with the offers and fulfill the goal set before the promotion.

Let’s dive deeper into the topic and learn a lot about what Facebook has to offer for business.

Why you need promotion on Facebook

This question can be formulated differently: what goals does promotion on Facebook help to achieve? Lots of options:

  • increase brand awareness;
  • form a loyal attitude of the audience to the company;
  • organize an event and gather like-minded people;
  • increase sales;
  • attract new customers, etc.

Profit is almost always at the forefront. That is, due to a competent promotion strategy, you simultaneously increase income and indirectly achieve other goals.

What can be promoted on Facebook Page promotion on this site is suitable for different businesses:

  • companies that work on the image. Having a presence on Facebook is prestigious. Content adapted and stylized to the interests of users increases the reputation of the company, stimulates the audience to buy;
  • companies whose product is designed for a foreign buyer or is not tied to a specific territory. For example, it can be an information resource or a website selling online Russian language courses;
  • representatives of the B2B segment. Business owners, top management spend time on the social network;
  • small online stores, for which the brand page will fully replace the site;
    private specialists (stylists, photographers, tutors, etc.);
  • representatives of the services and services sector (beauty salons, restaurant and hotel business, fitness centers, etc.).

As you can see, Facebook has enough opportunities and audience for everyone. It is only necessary to objectively assess the prospects for promoting the product on this site, taking into account its type, specificity, and cost.

Although the audience of the social network is very diverse, it is not advisable to promote all types of goods here. In addition, there are restrictions on the topics of promoted products (erotica, pyramid schemes, tobacco products, etc. are prohibited). You can clarify these nuances in the Facebook advertising rules.

Why is a personal account bad for promoting on Facebook?

It is known that there are 3 options for the development of the company in the social network. This is a personal page, group and public. Why doesn’t the first one work?

Through it, in general, it is difficult to carry out promotion on Facebook. Firstly, the social network will not allow the use of such words as shop, salon, etc. in the name. That is, a personal profile will not bring any benefit to regional businesses. Secondly, when a page is blocked, it cannot be restored. It is necessary to provide a personal passport, but no one has it in a fictitious name.

Creating a business page

Each user of the social network can create an unlimited number of such pages. The author becomes an administrator with full authority by default.

So, in the upper right corner, click on the “plus” and click on the “Create page” section. Here, be sure to indicate its name, select a category (up to 3 items) and enter a description. When everything is ready, click “Create”.

Interesting cover and avatar

Now we start the design, which is especially important for brand promotion on Facebook. Upload an avatar. It will be displayed on the page. For companies and a brand, this is usually a logo or a high-quality product image.

Don’t forget the cover. It can be added in photo and video format. The last one should be 20-90 seconds long and have a resolution of 820 x 312 pixels.

Template installation

Promoting a business on Facebook with the help of a public is convenient because templates are available to choose from. They are in the settings. Go here and select edit mode, after which a list of available templates with a description will open.

The site offers ready-made options for stores, non-profit organizations, and so on.

Fill in the information on the page

A common mistake is to leave out important information. Indicate everything about the company so as not to lose a potential client. Make sure to include every detail: a list of services with prices, reviews and photos, etc. With respect to sites and business pages on Facebook, the general rule is that the user must understand where he is from the first seconds.

Linking an Instagram account

This action is then needed to direct users from Instagram to a Facebook page. There is never too much traffic!

Go to the “Settings” section and select Instagram there.

Content publishing

The first step is to create a content plan. Its matrix may look different for everyone, but, as a rule, it consists of imposing different types of textual materials on portraits of the target audience or products.

All content for publication on Facebook can be divided into three groups: informational, entertaining and selling. Choose the ratio taking into account the specifics of the promoted page. The SMM has been running the 70/30 rule for years. You place 70% of information posts and 30% of selling ones. If entertainment is added, then the ratio will be approximately 60/20/20.

In any case, it is important that users notice the published post, start an active discussion in the comments. This increases engagement rates and plays into the hands of promotion efficiency.


Choose key hashtags for your business. They help emphasize the thematic focus of the page. But remember that a popular tag is not a guarantee of attracting traffic, because there is a lot of competition for it. Alternate in the publication of several high-frequency and low-frequency “keys”. Mandatory in accordance with the content of the post.